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Unleashing Ideas, One Word at a Time.

Where Can You Find a Qualified Child Custody Attorney?

Finding the best Child Custody Attorney in Dallas is crucial for a family going through a divorce. Children’s well-being is impacted by how custody and visitation are decided and a qualified attorney can help parents create a parenting plan that will be beneficial for their children. A lawyer will be able to protect the interests of all involved in the case, regardless of whether a divorce is contested or not.

The attorneys at Walters Gilbreath, PLLC are skilled child custody lawyers who can provide legal assistance in matters involving the lawful care and supervision of children. The firm works closely with its clients to understand their unique needs and goals in order to achieve the best possible results for their family. Attorneys are available to discuss custody issues in mediation sessions, and they offer both judge and jury trial representation options.

During a divorce, the primary issue that may be litigated is child custody. Custody can be a very sensitive and emotional matter that has a direct impact on the relationship a parent has with their child. The law office of Scott H. Palmer, P.C. can assist a mother in creating a custody arrangement that is in the best interests of her child, while also protecting her own rights. The firm handles various types of divorces, including high-asset divorces.

In Texas, the court refers to child custody as conservatorship rather than possession or access. A court judge makes the ultimate decision as to how a child is raised, who they live with, when parents get visits, and even who pays child support. It is important to hire an experienced Dallas child custody lawyer who is familiar with state laws in order to ensure that the best outcome is achieved.

A child custody dispute can be a very tumultuous time for a family, and the conflict that often arises in these cases can lead to acrimony and other negative emotions that can harm a parent’s relationship with their children. It is important to find a skilled and compassionate child custody attorney that can assist families in reaching a peaceful resolution to their conflicts.

The law firm of Kamuche Law Firm, P.L.L.C. provides a range of legal services to families in the Dallas area. The firm can handle divorces, adoptions, child support and custody disputes, domestic violence, restraining orders, and guardianship matters. Attorneys are skilled in negotiating, settlements and trials. The firm serves both men and women, and it is committed to guiding its clients through the legal process with compassion and respect. The firm is a member of the State Bar of Texas. The firm’s principal lawyer is Tiffany Kamuche, who has over a decade of experience in family law cases. She is a board certified specialist in family law. The firm is a multi-practice law office that also handles other types of legal proceedings, including personal injury and real estate matters. They are located in Dallas and Austin, Texas.

Where Can You Find a Qualified Child Custody Attorney?

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